3 Key Trends in Smart Buildings for 2024

Evolving Smart Building Foundations: 3 Key Trends in Intelligent Buildings for 2024

The smart buildings industry has been undergoing a digital transformation that redefines the way the built environment, whether commercial, retail, or residential, is designed/updated and managed. For 2024, we see three key trends that will either take shape or stand out in the industry: the implementation of private wireless 5G within buildings, better integration of artificial intelligence (AI) for optimized building performance, and the heightened importance of cybersecurity in an era of increasing building and sensor connectivity. Integral to the realization of these advancements is the critical need for a robust inbuilding network infrastructure.

More Commercial Implementations of Private 5G Wireless Networks in North America

In the fast-paced world of smart buildings, connectivity is the backbone that binds together various technologies and systems and the deployment of private 5G wireless networks stands as a pivotal driver in revolutionizing communication within buildings, playing a crucial role in connecting sensors, IoT devices, and various technologies. In the US, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) is a shared spectrum that provides opportunities for private entities to deploy and operate their own 5G networks within this band. In Canada, the Canadian government through the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is expected to release a private 5G spectrum in 2024.

At Andorix, we are highly anticipating our first deployment of private 5G wireless networks for a manufacturing company seeking to augment connectivity within their production facility by integrating more sensors for real-time data collection. The rigidity of the current infrastructure poses a challenge, where any changes, sensor additions, or data collection enhancements incur intricate and costly processes, such as running cables to specific locations. Private 5G wireless technology offers an innovative solution by providing a more flexible and efficient means to incorporate sensors throughout the facility. This facilitates high-speed, real-time data coverage, enabling instant analysis and the prompt implementation of necessary actions. The comprehensive sensor network aims to predict and address system or information flow issues, preventing production stoppages and enhancing overall efficiency. Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence on the backend will contribute to predicting and addressing potential problems, marking a significant stride in smart building technology for 2024.

Realization of AI-Driven Optimization for Smart Building Performance

As smart buildings continue to evolve with the implementation of next-generation networks and sensors, the role of artificial intelligence in optimizing building performance becomes increasingly prominent. While 2023 has been the breakout year for AI, within the built world, 2024 is when we expect smart buildings to have the proper network infrastructure and AI applications in place to analyze and interpret the vast amounts of data generated by these sensors. With our partnership with Kode Labs in several building digitization projects, we see AI-driven analytics not only streamlining building operations, but also contribute to sustainable practices by identifying areas of improvement and recommending energy-saving measures such as implementing predictive maintenance schedules that strategically reduce energy usage during peak times, not only enhancing operational efficiency but also aligning with sustainability goals. In the realm of security and safety, the AI algorithms analyze data from security cameras, access control systems, and sensors to predict and prevent incidents, while predictive analytics foresee potential safety hazards, enabling proactive measures for a safer environment. As we embrace 2024, the synergy between advanced network infrastructure and AI applications is revolutionizing smart buildings, streamlining operations, and contributing to sustainability efforts. The future is exciting, and we’re proud to lead this transformative journey.

Rising Significance of Cybersecurity in Smart Buildings

As smart buildings become more interconnected, the risk of cyber threats cannot be emphasized enough. In 2024, as more devices and building systems become connected, the building owners and managers need to place cybersecurity at the forefront and recognize it as an indispensable element in ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of critical building systems.  From doing an inventory of every network and networked device within the buildings and locking them down, to implementing firewalls and access control processes and backup protocols, a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity can no longer be put on the back burner within the smart building ecosystem.

The Need for a Robust Inbuilding Converged Network

As the smart buildings industry continues its digital transformation, the convergence of private wireless 5G, AI-driven optimization of smart building performance, and heightened cybersecurity leads us towards creating truly intelligent and secure spaces. These trends underscore the crucial role of a robust inbuilding network infrastructure as the linchpin for realizing the full potential of these innovations. In embracing these transformative trends, the smart buildings industry is poised to usher in an era marked by unprecedented connectivity, efficiency, and security, ultimately redefining the way we experience and interact with the spaces we work, play and live.